Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bookish Buys & Weekly Wrap-up #46

This is where I show everything I that I bought, borrowed, or just added to my bookshelf over the past week. I throw together Showcase Sunday and Stacking the Shelves in one post.  I also include a wrap-up of everything that was posted to the blog this past week.

Showcase Sunday is hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits, and Tea. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Team at Tynga’s Reviews. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.


so... TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!! Happy birthday to me! lol The first book listed is one that I bought a couple weeks back but the rest of them were birthday presents. My husband took me to Barnes & Noble and let me grab a few that I wanted. I'm sure there will be some more to come! 

The RuiningNightmares!The Girl from the Well
The Ruining by Anna Collomore
Nightmares! by Jason Segel & Kristen Miller Signed copy! The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco

Sanctum (Asylum, #2)FiendishMARY: The Summoning (Bloody Mary, #1)
Sanctum (Asylum, #2) by Madeleine Roux
Fiendish by Brenna Yovanoff
Mary: The Summoning (Bloody Mary, #1) by Hillary Monahan




A Pinocchio retelling!


Puppet by Pauline C. Harris

Weekly Wrap-up

How was your week? Let me know in the comments!


  1. These are so creepy, perfect now that Halloween is coming up! I haven't seen The Ruining or Nightmares before, love the covers. I still need to read The Girl In The Well, whoops...

    Under The Mountain

    1. I have The Girl in the Well for review and I haven't read it yet either. It, along with almost all the others I got, are on my October TBR so hopefully I can get them all read. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I like the cover from Nightmares. I've never heard of this book before, but the cover caught my eyes right away. Sanctum has such a creepy vibe. A lot of perfect Halloween reads :D Enjoy!


    1. I really like the cover for Nightmares also. Can't wait to read all of these during October. I hope none of them disappoint!


I love hearing your opinions so please feel free to leave me a comment!