Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I'm back?!?!

Hey Hey!!! I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've posted anything. Not only have I not posted anything, but I haven't read anything either. Not. A. Thing. 0.o I pretty much quit watching Booktube, quit checking my email linked with my blog (just cleared 3000 emails from it), and I haven't really been on Goodreads or Twitter. I quit buying books (which was a good thing for my bank account) and I actually sold off almost half of my collection. :-(

If you followed me before and you're reading this now (thank you for sticking around), then you know I got a new job back in Oct of last year. I am still employed there and I'm on maternity leave right now but we will get to that in a moment. In the year I have been at that job I've gotten a promotion and a raise and I'm pretty much the top one in my department. My next goal is to actually get the title of manager. Anyway, that job was so different and so much busier than my old job that the only time I could read was on my 30 min lunch break or nights and weekends. However most nights and weekends were filled with my son's baseball. Hence why nothing was read.

Also during this year we lost my sister in law at the beginning of March, she was only 27. I would rather not go into that. We also lost my father in law from heart disease in July. We sort of new that was coming but it happened very quickly. So it's been pretty rough for my husband's family this year.

In a positive note, and what I hinted at earlier, we added a 5th member to our family on 10/26/15! Another boy! He was very much a surprise but we all love him very much, especially his older brothers. It's been six years since I've had a baby so we had to re-learn some things but it's all coming back to me. As I mentioned earlier, I sold off a lot of my books because my beautiful library/office needed to become the nursery and there was not enough room for seven bookcases. That seven is now down to three. I have eight weeks of leave to do whatever and I'm currently on my second week so I've decided I want to try and get back into reading. Hopefully I will be able to keep up after I go back.  I'm dreading going back though because I have to leave the little man at a daycare and I've never had to do that so young with my other boys. :-(

Now, when I said I hadn't read anything earlier it wasn't completely true. I did get about half way thru Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige before I lost my momentum to read. It's been awhile since I picked that up but I was enjoying it so that is where I am going to start off. Then I really want to clean up my review books. I have so many and I feel super guilty about it. I have books with Netgalley, Edelweiss, e-copies from authors, and some physical copies. When I sold some books I did end up giving away some arcs that I decided I had no interest in reading so helped a little but not much. I'll go more into detail on my reading plans in my TBR post so keep an eye out for that.

It feels good to be back. Let's hope I can stick with it. Wish me luck and let me know in the comments if I've missed any really good books that you would recommend or if anything major has happened in the book community!

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