Monday, December 31, 2012

Mini Monday #19


Mini Monday is something I created to talk about anything related to children’s books. Usually it ends up being a “Mini Review” but if it is related to children’s books then talk about it here!

Squidge: Little Elf, Big Trouble by Andrew Thomas
Kindle Edition, 12 pages
Published November 17th 2010 by Proving House

Squidge is a little elf who wants to do what the bigger elves do. When he takes matters into his own hands and causes a disaster in Santa's workshop, Squidge runs away... and ends up going further than he would ever have dreamt. Can such a little elf save Santa and Christmas

Wow I’m not entirely sure what to say about this book. I was a little disappointed. I originally gave this book a 3 star rating; until I actually read the synopsis then I got mad and downgraded it to a 2 star.

The synopsis makes this book sound like an adventure but it’s definitely not. This is what happens. Squidge whines about not getting to build with the big elves, he sneaks into the lab and breaks a machine, runs away and hides in Santa’s bag and stays in there until the end of the book. He then pushes a snowman off the roof, hides again until he realizes Santa new he was there the whole time. Really, that’s all that happens. It’s not an adventure to save Santa. We don’t see him get into trouble or face any consequences.

The only thing my 5-year-old could say about the book was that it was “nice and good”. I usually like a little more reaction from my children when I read them a book. So he wasn’t that impressed either. I was definitely expecting more.

I can’t say I recommend this book. Oh and when I got this from Amazon it was free. I would not pay for this book.

My Rating:

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