I was asked to participate in a blog tour for this book! Here's my review and make sure to check out the other tour stops.

Paperback, 182 pages
Published August 7th 2012 by CreateSpace Independent PublishingPlatform
Zuto: The Adventures of a Computer Virus takesplace inside a strange, little-known world: a personal computer, the perfectsetting for a fast-paced, funny, one-minute-long story.
Zuto, a smart, sneaky computer virus, leads a happy life in his secret hidingplace: the Recycle Bin. There, among heaps of junk full of surprisingtreasures, he plans his tricks. Everything changes when a far more maliciousprogram invades the computer . . . and threatens to end all life in it.Together with his Recycle Bin friends—outdated, buggy programs—Zuto sets off tosave his world.
Readers curious about the truth behind this rollicking adventure story willfind it in the Zutopedia appendix, which explains concepts such as computerviruses, IP addresses, and binary numbers.
Zuto was first published in Israel, where it was recommended by the IsraeliMinistry of Education and voted in the top ten favorite books by children ingrades 4-6 nationwide.
Zuto, a smart, sneaky computer virus, leads a happy life in his secret hidingplace: the Recycle Bin. There, among heaps of junk full of surprisingtreasures, he plans his tricks. Everything changes when a far more maliciousprogram invades the computer . . . and threatens to end all life in it.Together with his Recycle Bin friends—outdated, buggy programs—Zuto sets off tosave his world.
Readers curious about the truth behind this rollicking adventure story willfind it in the Zutopedia appendix, which explains concepts such as computerviruses, IP addresses, and binary numbers.
Zuto was first published in Israel, where it was recommended by the IsraeliMinistry of Education and voted in the top ten favorite books by children ingrades 4-6 nationwide.
This was such a cute book! I’m glad Ihad the opportunity to read this. This is a middle grade book but I’m sure ifmy son could read it he would have really enjoyed it.
Thisbook is about four friends, a virus named Zuto, a calculator named Newton, amedia player named Super Media 2.0, and an anti-virus software named SilverShield, who go on a world saving adventure. However, what had me hooked from the startwere the first two sentences.
“The story you are about to read isextraordinary: it is only one minute long, and it takes place in an area nolarger than several square millimeters. This may be a world record, and theauthor certainly means to look into it.”
I don’t know why I liked that lastline so much but I wanted to keep reading after that.
This is told by from a 3rdperson point of view, which I like quite a bit. There is a “Zutopedia” in the back of the book which is like adictionary for computer words. Every time you came across a word that was inthe back it would say “Zutopedia” in parenthesis next to it. There were acouple of times that I actually needed to go back and look up a word. Thiswould be very helpful to younger children who didn’t know very much aboutcomputers.
There is also a little bit of a lovestory going on in this book, which I thought was cute. I also enjoyed thepictures that were scattered throughout the book. That really added to the story.
This story really showed that it doesn’tmatter what other people think of you. No matter how small or insignificantother people think you are; you can do anything you put your mind to. Everyone isimportant.
My Rating:
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